Overwhelmed by Corona-Anxiety
I haven’t published a blog in a couple of months. I have written a lot, but I haven’t had the courage to publish them. And yesterday I realised why.
Today is the 1st of December 2020, and it has been a lot this year. A lot of information. A lot of fake information. A lot of changes to our life. A lot of loss to our lives. It has been an overwhelming time.
At the start of lockdown, I set up this blog and kept myself busy researching and studying about anxiety and mental health. I knew what to do to keep myself balanced – limit my attention on the pandemic. Focus on my immunity and mental health. Practise self-care.
Recently though, I have fallen down the rabbit hole. How did it happen? I downloaded a newspaper app. As simple as that. The thing with the newspaper, is that they all come at the situation from their own point of view. So as such, rather than hearing factual information, I was reading opinion pieces and scandalous predictions of what could happen.
I suddenly realised yesterday, I am being manipulated. And as such, fear has taken over, and as I know from my knowledge on anxiety, we cannot think properly when our brain is in a state of fear.
Fear shuts off certain parts of our brain. It means that we cannot practise self-care, relax or make good decisions.
So I deleted the newspaper app. Yes, it is very important to know what is happening in the world, but the problem with apps are the notifications. This way I can choose a time in the day to sit down and read what is happening, without receiving notifications all day long. Everything in moderation, so I am taking back my control.
So back to practising self-care, good habits and blogging for me.
I have lots of new content just waiting to be posted, and now I have the time to do it
Love, @powerofanxiety